Finance Department

Our Goal

The primary goal of the Finance Department of the City of Liberty is to achieve and maintain long-term financial viability for the City. Secondarily, the City shall strive to maintain a professional and ethical approach to the management of the City's financial affairs. These goals will be achieved through the continued pursuit of relevant expertise by finance officials, through adherence to a high standard of accountability to elected officials and to the public at large through adherence to all applicable laws, the City Charter, and the City's Financial Policy.

Foremost in accomplishing these goals is the recognition and acceptance of the fiduciary responsibility of protecting City assets by all City Employees to the Citizenry of Liberty. Additionally, Management should make every attempt to regularly, accurately, and adequately disclose meaningful financial information to those parties who have a financial interest in the City's affairs, (i.e., Creditors, Elected Officials, Citizens, and State and Federal entities). To this end, our Financial Policy is intended to set forth guidelines, which if adhered to, will ensure that the City's fiduciary responsibilities will be met.

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Naomi Herrington Assistant City Manager / Chief Financial Officer (936) 336-3684
Shree Votaw Purchasing / Accounts Payable (936) 334-7311
Liz Gagne Utility Billing (936) 334-7312
Cathy Miller Utility Collections (936) 334-7309
Terri Lunceford Utility Collections (936) 334-7310