Electrical Service Rates

As Established by City of Liberty Ordinance.

Residential Service Rates

Add tax for a taxable business and rental property.

Minimum Charge $10.00
Total Kilowatts minus 50x$0.049690
Total KilowattsxFuel Adjustment
Total Electricity Charge=Total of three figures above

Commercial Service Rates

Note: Demand Decimal Figure and Multiplier can be obtained from the Utility Billing Department. The demand charge is based on the multiplier on the account. The Total Demand Factor is calculated as follows: Demand Decimal Figure x Multiplier - 15 x $6.24.

Minimum Charge $35.00
Total Kilowattsx$0.049050
Total KilowattsxFuel Adjustment
See Note+Total Demand Charge
Tax (if taxable business)+8.25%
Total Electricity Charge=

Total of five figures above

Large Commercial Service Rates

Note: Demand Decimal Figure and Multiplier can be obtained from the Utility Billing Department. The demand charge is based on the multiplier on the account. The Total Demand Charge is calculated as follows: Demand Decimal Figure x Multiplier x $4.62.

Minimum Charge $60.00
Total Kilowattsx$0.037543
Total KilowattsxFuel Adjustment
See Note+Total Demand Charge
Tax (if taxable business)+8.25%
Total Electricity Charge=

Total of five figures above